Free The Bass
Free the Bass," an original digital content series created for Marlboro TV, stands as one of the most ambitious projects developed by Javier Gutierrez for Philip Morris International (PMI). This documentary series spans over 120 minutes of rich content, divided into 16 captivating episodes, along with snackable pieces tailored for social media and one-to-one activations. The series takes viewers on a global journey, from the techno hubs of Detroit and Berlin to the rhythmic heart of Jamaica and the vibrant streets of Tokyo, in a relentless quest for perfection and the ultimate sound experience.
This comprehensive marketing platform goes beyond traditional documentary storytelling. It includes a wealth of editorial content and a multi-channel activation strategy. A highlight of this initiative is a series of bespoke events, designed to immerse the audience in the awe-inspiring sound system, meticulously crafted for Marlboro by the documentary's heroes – Mark Ernestus and Tony Andrews. These events aren't just showcases; they're experiential journeys that allow the audience to become an integral part of the story, blending reality with aspiration.
"Free the Bass" transcends the boundaries of a conventional marketing campaign, embodying a perfect amalgamation of storytelling, technology, and experiential marketing. It resonates with audiences globally, not just as a documentary series but as a holistic experience. The success of this platform has been monumental, leading to its adoption by numerous markets around the world. The series not only highlights the innovative spirit of Marlboro but also sets a new benchmark in digital content creation, demonstrating how a brand can effectively engage with its audience through a blend of entertainment, education, and immersive experiences
YEAR: 2015
BRAND: Marlboro
AGENCY: Vice, Leo Burnett, Liquid Works, Emakina